seaweed-photoIronbound Island Seaweed is dedicated to the sustainable harvesting of wild seaweeds from the cold, clean waters of the Schoodic Peninsula and surrounding islands of eastern Maine.

The season begins in spring when the seaweeds are at their peak, well before the trees have begun to leaf out. We work with the early morning low tides, often leaving before sunrise for the hour long journey by wooden boat to the outer islands. The edible seaweeds thrive there on ledges that break just above the water line on the new and full moon tides.

From the boat we scramble onto exposed rocks and harvest waist-high in the waves, taking care to leave plenty of plants for regeneration. The harvest is focused and intense; soon the tide returns swallowing the ledges and covering the seaweed beds. We hang the seaweed in the sun and it dries within 36 hours. On foggy days the seaweed is moved to a wood heated drying house. The whole leaves are then carefully packaged to bring you a sweet, dark seaweed unsurpassed in vitamins and minerals.

We harvest wild North Atlantic dulse, kelp, kombu, and wakame.